Do you have a family member who is always looking out for everyone else, and they do it so well, that their work often goes unnoticed? If you're reading this blog, you might actually be that family member! A house is kind of like a family, in that every component, large or small, should work together when times get tough. And while furnaces and air conditioners get all the credit for keeping your home comfortable in extreme weather, windows tend to get overlooked.

We get are designed for you to look through, not look at. But if yours could use a little TLC, here are a few tips to help your windows through the Minnesota winter! 

How To Make Your Windows Better for Winter

Sometimes what appears to be a complex problem has a fairly simple fix! Unfortunately, we've seen too many homeowners put up with cold rooms and fogged-up windows for years when they could have been far more comfortable and saved quite a bit of money on their heating bills. So we've compiled some pro tips to help you avoid a few common homeowner mistakes.

1.  Assess Your Windows

Take five minutes to go through your home with a pen and paper, look at every window, and make note of anything that isn't functioning the way it should. Here are the things our technicians look for when they're inspecting residential windows. 


2. Fix Any Drafty Windows 

Believe it or not, our experts see this frequently: Many homeowners forget to make sure their windows are actually shut, locked, and sealed. Where you notice any drafts or whistling noises on windy days, double-check that your windows are shut and locked tightly. Then, caulk any gaps or leaks with a silicone sealant. This is also something our experts can help with, so don't hesitate to reach out!

If you notice that any weather stripping is missing or deteriorated, we carry generic weather stripping in our shop, and we can also help order any custom replacement pieces. 

A Special Note About Window Film 

Many homeowners use clear plastic film over their windows to prevent drafts. This film sometimes solves your draft problem, but it can be tedious and often leaves sticky residue behind when you remove it in the spring. (Plus, most homeowners can attest that window film — while it does the job — doesn't always look the best.)

We're pragmatists at East Side Glass. If you achieve great results using window film and don't mind the time and effort it takes to apply it, we think that's great! We just hate to see homeowners go the extra mile when there's an easier, more attractive, and longer-term solution. 

3. Insulate and Cover Window Frames

Wondering what you can use instead of window film to keep the cold out? If you've sealed your windows properly, but you'd like to give your energy efficiency a real boost, thermal-lined drapes are also a much better alternative to plastic window film. Believe it or not, some high-quality drapes can reduce heat loss by up to 25% in the winter, and they can also reduce temperatures inside your home by 5-7° in the summer. Close them when you'd like to maximize efficiency and open them when you'd like to enjoy the view. 


If you're fortunate enough to have someone in your family who can create custom thermal-lined drapes, and enjoys sewing, you might want to hit them up! You can also order them online. They're much more appealing than plastic film, and depending on the product you choose, they may also serve as blackout curtains. 

4. Add Storm Windows for Any Single-Pane Windows

If you still have single-pane windows in your home, a custom glass shop can often create a storm window to help keep the heat in. Sometimes adding a storm window can cause some condensation and moisture issues, but if your biggest priority is maintaining a comfortable temperature, and it's not a good time to invest in a new double-pane window, it might make sense. Just be sure to talk to an expert before making any decisions, because these days, a whole new window is sometimes the cheaper solution. 

Pro tip: Do NOT add a storm window to an insulated glass window! It can void the warranty and cause damage.

5. Investigate Window Crack Repair Services

Many homeowners assume that if they have a cracked pane  — or the seal in an insulated glass window has failed  —  they have to get a new window.

That's often not the case! If nothing else is wrong with your window, there's nothing to lose and everything to gain by contacting a local glass expert. At East Side Glass, we offer free estimates on our residential and commercial glass services. You might just have to do a little online sleuthing, as many custom glass shops like ours are going to be smaller, family-owned businesses. Those big-box retailers are good for many things, but repair work isn't going to be their strong suit.

Pro tip: If the seal has failed on your insulated glass, you should get it repaired sooner rather than later. Here in Central Minnesota, we've seen instances where water collects between the panes and cracks the window. 

Consider Replacement Windows

A simple repair can address small issues, like a cracked pane or a failed seal. Here are a few scenarios where window replacement might be the better investment: 

  • Your frames are warped, cracked, or rotten
  • You have single-pane windows
  • Your windows are over 20 years old
  • Your windows are difficult to open or close, or they get stuck
  • You'd like to improve your home security 

If you're on the fence about whether you need a repair or a replacement, just ask! Our window experts are always happy to talk with Central Minnesotan homeowners, property management companies, and commercial property owners about the best way to solve problems like these. 


Giving St. Cloud Windows and Doors a Little TLC

Every now and then we see homeowners blame their windows for something that isn't their fault. Case in point: Winters can get very dry here. But if you like to leave your shades down and run your humidifier, you may see some condensation on your windows, even if they're functioning perfectly. 

That said, it's never a waste of time to have us at least take a look. We're happy to do it, and if your windows aren't what's causing a problem, we can recommend another local business that we think will do a great job for you. While we're on the subject, if you're a business owner, and your aluminum door frames get frosty in the winter, we can talk with you about installing a second set of entryway doors to boost energy efficiency or other commercial glass services.  

The weather here can be as tough on glass as it is on people. But one of the reasons we love living in the Midwest is that the winter also brings out the very best in our community. We've been helping Central Minnesota homeowners and businesses since 1953. So, if your windows and doors could use a little love, or may need some attention in the future, we'll be here for it!

Click the button below to learn more about window repair and replacement services! 

Save Money on Window Repairs

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