Smart Ways To Increase Home Value Before Selling
You've probably heard this saying before: Kitchens and bathrooms sell houses. Kitchens and bathrooms do help sell houses. In fact, the National Association of Realtors estimates that a homeowner can expect to recoup 70-75% of the costs of renovating...

| Windows
What Causes Window Condensation?
You recently remodeled your home or invested in brand-new windows. At first, you loved the results! But as soon as the outside temperatures dropped, you saw condensation where you didn't before. Sound familiar? It's a story we hear a lot at East...

| Windows
When Should You Replace Double-Pane Windows?
You're not imagining it! New windows have gotten more expensive, especially in recent years. There are a lot of reasons for that, including the cost of raw materials. But depending on the issue you're trying to fix, in many cases, you might not...

| Windows
Five Ways To Winterize Your Windows
Do you have a family member who is always looking out for everyone else, and they do it so well, that their work often goes unnoticed? If you're reading this blog, you might actually be that family member! A house is kind of like a family, in that...

| Windows
Why Do Window Seals Fail?
Do your thermal windows sometimes fog up between the panes, or are there other signs moisture has made its way inside? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but those are tell-tale signs that a window seal has failed. Nothing lasts forever, and window...

| Windows
Simple Small Bathroom Ideas
You probably have many reasons that you fell in love with your home. But if a small primary or guest bathroom isn’t one of them, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can make a small bathroom look bigger, lighter, and more...

When Should You Replace Window Screens?
We get it — as a homeowner, window screens aren’t always at the top of your priority list. But those screens do a lot more than let you enjoy the scent of summer rain. Keeping your screens in top shape can also help you protect other investments...
Thinking of Adding a Glass Shower?
A glass shower is one of the easiest ways to make your bathroom appear larger and more luxurious while adding significant value to your home. Our experts have put together a comprehensive guide to set you up for success!